Finally, I made it down here. I’ve been here going on now the 2nd week. Interestingly enough only the stuff I need to put away got here – but none of the stuff to put it in – how does that even happen??? I just got my vacuum cleaner this past Sunday (day before yesterday) boy has it got a work out. My tables for my studio space will not fit through the doors to the studio as they were built for the other house – so all my stuff is all over. And of course this room is configured totally different than my other room – but even though it may be a bit smaller – there seems to be more useable space. My horizontal filing cabinet and rolling paper cart apparently were annihilated somehow??? And keep in mind we moved from a 1915 sq. foot house with a unfinished above ground basement underneath the entire house for storage, a good size potting shed on a good size deck and a huge yard to something way smaller. And, my house is pink – of all colors. I am definitely not a pink person when it comes to housing. Can you tell I’m a bit overwhelmed?

I know it will be o.k. – I actually love our new to us little manufactured home. Beautiful laminate floors in a light whitewashed ash and newly painted white walls. And I am getting rid of so much junk – it seems to multiply though – the more I get rid of the more appears
I don’t even know where my camera is right now so I can’t take any photos to show you. Take my word for it – it’s very much in disarray right now! My studio is especially like a big puzzle that I don’t seem to be very good at. Anyway, enough griping – as I said I do love it – there’s so much light, and EVERYTHING grows here (well almost), and I don’t have to make an all day trip of it to go to Michael’s or JoAnns – both are right down the street, and I don’t have approximately 9 – 10 months of cold winter!! We are just now getting the stirrings of the beginning of Autumn.
Here’s a couple of items for Autumn and Thanksgiving and Christmas that I haven’t posted yet – and I really hope I get this room together soon so I can make more – do your fingers just itch sometimes to get your hand on all the goodies you bought and set aside in anticipation of creating? That’s where I’m at right now. Take care friends

I hope you enjoy!