These cards were made for Flourishes Patriotism on Parade Challenge - the intent is for them to be sent to the troops - that is if I can get them there on time. I'm always running against the clock and I just hope these make it! I made them very simple just Vintage Cream CS for the base, and 1 piece of DP from Carolees Creations. Stamps are from Flourishes Patriotism on Parade set, ink is Paris Dusk by Memento, a little stitching on one - and that was it - like I said very simple, very quick - so you might ask why I'm running so late - don't ask! It's very boring and tedious - LOL - Have a great day everyone.

great card, love this image,
Gorgeous!! Love them both, may be simple but very effective!
perfect for troops! awesome job.
What a great stamp! love what you did with it!
These are fantastic!! Thanks for inspiration on using this set!!
Hi MOM, I know I already commented, but I forgot to tell you that I left something for you on my blog!!! Love ya
Awesome. I salute you for creating such great cards.
Super card. I love the layout and the stamp. Great job! TFS.
Great cards for a great cause! I understand about running late, it seems to be the way I work lately.
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