These are the blogs that I am passing on the award to:
Joanne of Ambrosia and Iron
Darlene of Dar's Crafty Creations
Sara of Luminous in My Chaotic Dreams
Leslie of Running With Scissors
Anna of Sweet Miss Daisy
This is what you need to do
1. Put the logo on your blog
2. Put a link to the person who sent you the award
3. Choose 5 blogs to send the award
4. Put links to their blogs
5. Leave a message for each one of them that they have been awarded
There are so many deserving this award, choosing only 5 was hard. I chose these 5 not only for their beautiful and inspirational blogs, but because these women themselves are an inspiration to me. Please visit their blogs, get to know them, take part in some if not all the challenges they are apart of - and you will see what I mean.
Thank you again Jen - so so much.
Take care, everyone have a wonderful rest of the weekend, and as always - try to spend at least some time today doing what you love.

WOW ... thanks girlfriend! I am honored!! I'm so glad you let me know you did this ... I hadn't had time to go through my google reader yet today. Such kind words ... I'm blushing!! Right back atcha my friend!
OMG!! mom, thank you so much!!! I'm very proud of you too. And you have been putting me to shame, look at all these posts this week-love you
Thank you, thank you!! What a TREAT!! =)
Aww, what a sweet thought - thank you! I'm absolutely terrible at remembering to pass awards on but will try to remember!
you most certainly deserve it! :)
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