It's been a crazy week here, so my post is very short. I really had to look for something pink. While I was raking up about a hundred piles of pine needles (not quite literally, but almost) I noticed our crab apple tree was blooming and it is so pretty I decided it would be the perfect pink - if only it would bloom longer. We lost of the limbs last year to a snacking bear eating the apples - I'm glad he (or she) enjoyed them.

Happy Birthday to Pink Saturday and thanks so much to Beverly at How Sweet the Sound to host this pink gathering. Stop by her blog
here and take a look at all the wonderful pinks! You'll be glad you did!
Have a great weekend everyone, I hope to have more posts next week, this one just got away from me.
Take Care,
Dru, how lovely! When I was little, my grandmother and I would always pick crabapples together so she could make crabapple jelly. I still think that is my favorite jelly of all times and will always remind me of the very sweet lady who made it. Thanks for this pretty pink post and for bringing back such special memories for me.
Happy Pink Saturday!
Sheila :-)
A snacking bear! Yikes.
Crabapple blossoms are so beautiful. I'm glad that bear left some behind. Have a great weekend!
Hi, Dru! I wish I had the recipe for that jelly, but I'm afraid I don't. BUT my sister might have it. She has a lot of Granny's recipes, and if she does, I will be sure and share it with you.
I just remember lots of boiling of jars (to sterlize them), parafin to seal them, picking only crabapples without blemishes (we put them in a white enamel pan) with no picking them up from the ground, and lots and lots of sugar (and I think cheesecloth for straining???). I was never allowed to be "underfoot" when she was making it in fear that I would scald myself. So I couldn't get too close to the boiling procedure (I was small when she made this). She also had a gas stove. But if I can get my hands on her recipe (if it still exists), I will be sure and share!
Sheila :-)
hi Dru, tq for paying me a visit at my blog. I love you blog, looking forward to get to know you better. Happy pink saturday
Lots of luv
very pretty, dru (and i can relate about raking pine needles! yeesh!)
happy pink saturday!
There's just something about Pink Saturday that brings our the sweetness in people. Beverly sure knew what she was doing when she brought her concept to the world of blog.
Your offering for this FIRST PINK SATURDAY ANNIVERSARY is wonderful! This is the one day of the week where I can totally indulge my passion without spending a dime!
Wishing your and those you love a special weekend filled with sunshine and family fun!
Lovely tree - such pretty blossoms! Happy Pink Saturday!
pretty blossoms. wish we could experience that here.
happy PS! cheers!
A bear in your apple tree? Hope it isn't too close to your house! I love seeing the photos, thanks for sharing!
Hello Dru
Thank you for stopping by, I hope the rest of your week end Isnt so busy.I just bought an apple tree last week I posted about it just yesterday, the blossoms are so beautiful, just like yours, only yours is much bigger.
Happy Pink Saturday
Short but sweet! hehe
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hugs, Lisa
Hello Dru, I love the crab apple tree. They are blooming here in the West and I had to ask what they were.
OOOOH they are beautiful-love you!
I really miss my apple tree blooms! This is beautiful!
I love apple trees, the blooms and the fruit, happy pink saturday, Char
Crabapple jelly... mmm... can just taste it....
Happy Pink Saturday (finally). I had hayfever which has turned into sinus, so due to headaches I haven't been online since Friday! I do apologise for being so late (and I somehow don't think I'll be doing much visiting this week)
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